Summary: Pre and Post Regulation Metrics

We present the pre and post-regulation summary statistics below. Specifically, we present the average monthly values for the regulated molecules in the pre-regulation (50 months prior to regulation) and post-regulation (12 months post-regulation) periods. From Table 2, we find that, in the year after regulation compared with the period before regulation, sales of regulated SKUs increase by around 11 million units on average. Prima-facie, one might misinterpret this increase as evidence that the regulation is working. However, there may be trends and seasonality in the data that need to be accounted for in our analysis.

Summary Statistics

Measure Sample size Pre-Regulation Average (50 months) Pre-Regulation Std. Dev. Post-Regulation Average (12 months) Post-Regulation Std. Dev Difference (average post – average pre) Details
Sales (in ‘000s units) 179 SKUs 126,711.00 9,707.00 137,965.00 1,831.00 11,254
Type: Acute 105 molecules 0.62 0.38 0.62 0.38 -
T1T2% (% prescriptions from tier 1 and tier 2 cities) 105 molecules 0.67 0.07 0.67 0.07 0.005
CPGPRx% (% prescriptions from CP/GPs) 105 molecules 0.44 0.19 0.42 0.18 -0.02

No. of periods per molecule in the (a) pre-regulation period: 50 months; (b) post-regulation period: 12 months; (c) Difference = average post – average pre;

(d) Sales volumes (units) of 179 SKUs (from 105 molecules);

(e) Type of molecule – acute or chronic (time invariant);

(f) T1T2% refers to % prescriptions from tier 1 and tier 2 cities (molecule level);

(g) CPGPRx% refers to % prescriptions from CP/GPs (molecule level)